Recruiting PWN for Interviews
I am happy to announce that I am recruiting people to interview for my dissertation research on Everyday Life and Narcolepsy. I will...

Essential Travel Buddies for Dissertation
I have found these books to be exremely helpful with getting ready for dissertating and for preparing to enter the job market There are...

Hidden Poetry: an event and workshop supported by Ohio Humanities
On November 11, 2015, the day after Veteran's Day, Ohio University hosted a public event that I planned and coordinated. “Hidden Poetry:...

Interviewing Instructors with Hidden Disabilities and Hidden Health Conditions
Seeking University instructors living with hidden disabilities or hidden health conditions to participate in an internet interview-based...

Instructor disability and health disclosure project
This semester I am interviewing instructors with a hidden disability or a hidden health condition on how they talk about these things...

Notes on seeing "Still Alice"
Today I saw the movie, Still Alice, which is based on the novel by the same name by Lisa Genova, a neuroscientist who originally...

2015 Society for Disability Studies Conference
Today I learned that I was invited to present a poster at the Annual Society for Disability Studies Conference in Atlanta, GA this...

Invited to Present at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
I was invited to present two papers at this years International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry this May. I am very excited. One paper...

Not Fade Away by Rebecca Alexander
I stumbled across this book, Not Fade Away, while searching for something to fill my time with while on break. This memoir was a pleasant...

Narcolepsy Internet Interview Project
I am really happy with the Stigma, Disclosure and Narcolepsy research project. This semester I interviewed 49 people with Narcolepsy via...